Orthopaedic Traumatologist Orthopaedic Trauma & Fracture Specialists M.C. San Diego, California, United States
Disclosure(s): No financial relationships to disclose
In this session, our focus will be on surgeon coaching and its unique differentiators from other career support roles, such as teaching, mentoring, and counseling. We will define surgeon coaching and share compelling evidence from a growing body of peer-reviewed publications, showcasing how coaching contributes to enhancing individual well-being and fostering performance improvement. The majority of our discussion will be case-based presentations and some firsthand experiences shared by surgeons who have successfully leveraged coaching to propel their career aspirations.
Learning Objectives:
At the completion of this activity, participants will be able to:
Define coaching, and differentiate it from mentoring and advising.
Discuss evidence and research findings that demonstrate the positive impact of coaching on physician well-being and performance improvement.